Liz Quesenberry
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is going to my grandma’s on Christmas Eve and then driving back home to my Mom’s in Carroll County, where I spend the night and wake up on Christmas morning with her and my little brother, Eli.
This year, I will spend most of my holiday time with my grandma, who turned 90 this year. She wants to keep everything as normal as possible--which calls for seeing her kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and now great-great-grandkids!

Lori Saltus
As a child, I loved going Christmas Caroling with my church.
Less family will gather this year, but we still plan to have our traditional game night on Christmas Eve with our children and grandchildren.
Marsha Phillips
I usually make a big Christmas Eve dinner with my dad's side of the family. We cook lots of food and just enjoy our time together.
I will celebrate Christmas Eve at home with my immediate family this year, making holiday goodies.

Fox Slife
My holiday tradition has always been to celebrate Christmas with my family in Wisconsin, but this year I will stay home and celebrate with my mom and brother in Virginia
Tina Osborne
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is gathering with my extended family to pick out the tree. When the whole family is home for Thanksgiving weekend, my dad hooks up his tractor to a hay wagon, and we drive through his land to pick out a Christmas tree. He created this tradition for the grandkids, and what they didn't know then was he would go out earlier the same morning, cut his tree down, and stick the tree in a hole. Then when we were having our hayride, we would magically come across the perfect tree!
All of my family could not come home for Thanksgiving this year, but I still have the memories from all of those fun times!