Michelle Hines, Sales Consultant

At Citizens, Michelle works hard to take excellent care of her customers. She will go the extra mile to find solutions to help them, and if she can’t answer their question, she will find someone who can. Michelle is a great team-player.

What is your favorite thing to do on your off time?


What is a little known fact about you?

I love pizza!

What is your favorite thing about your home?

My kids and pets.

How do you plan to use PTO?

I’d like to volunteer at a Homeless Shelter or assist with families of drug abuse and help get these addicts back on track with jobs and support.

What makes you feel most alive?

Working out and dancing.

What is the secret to a good life?

Make the most of every day, and be grateful for everything and everyone in your life.

What do you like listening to?

Pandora’s Hip Hop work out.

Tell us about something on your bucket list.

I want to travel to lots of places; there’s so much to experience and see.