Citizens will be closing at 4:30 pm on Friday, January 10th and will also be closed on Saturday, 11th.
Service issues and payments can still be handled by calling 540-745-2111.
Stay warm and stay safe!


Rural Youth App Challenge

The Foundation for Rural Service is pleased to announce the second Rural Youth App Challenge. The challenge serves to engage with youth in rural America about serving and improving their communities through technology.

Help us spread the word to potential applicants. Share our app challenge flyer with your schools, social media and website.

The Challenge

Students will develop a concept for a mobile app that addresses a problem or improves a process in their rural community or in rural America at large. The challenge will be concept-based only and will be judged based on presentation and rigor of research. The concept must be possible and not already exist (but may be similar)

The Players

  • Students enrolled in grades 7 through 12
  • At least one student teammate must live in an area served by an NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association member company

Important Dates

Deadline for Submissions: March 1, 2019
Winners Announced: April 1, 2019

The Prize

The winning team will receive $1,000 in gift cards and Codecademy Scholarships.

Learn More Here