Citizens will be closing at 4:30 pm on Friday, January 10th and will also be closed on Saturday, 11th.
Service issues and payments can still be handled by calling 540-745-2111.
Stay warm and stay safe!


Plenty! Community Lunch and Evening Events

Next week on April 20th, Plenty! is holding two separate events in support of the Community Foundation of the New River Valley GiveBigNRV campaign. Plenty! welcomes all of their friends and neighbors to come out and support it’s mission to help feed hungry neighbors in Floyd County. First, folks can enjoy a free meal at Plenty!’s Community Lunch which will have fresh, homemade soup, bread and dessert starting at noon on Wednesday April 20th. Most of the ingredients for the meal are either grown on the Plenty! Farm or donated by local farmers.  If you are not able to make the lunch, Plenty! invites you to stop by later in the day between 4 and 6pm for refreshments and a tour of the farm. Individuals are welcome to walk the farm and learn about all the different programs Plenty! is doing in the local community.  Jonathan Vandergrift, Plenty! Director, stated “there are many great non-profits and charities in the area participating in this campaign and I hope everyone in Floyd County reaches out and supports their favorite organization on April 20th.” Plenty! is proud to be a part of GiveBigNRV, an initiative of the Community Foundation of the New River Valley. Plenty! is located at 192 Elephant Curve Road, Floyd off Route 8. For more information about GiveBigNRV please visit or about Plenty!